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C-No. Picture Title - Country Name(Gender)
Homestay information Language
C - 8
You enjoy your stay in Korea!! - Korea / Seoul Minyoung Kang (Family)
1 room(s) Single Bed , 1 person guest(s) , $30 - day per night English Korean
C - 7
home stay!! - Korea / Seoul yeong (Male)
5 over room(s) Single Bed , 4-5 persons guest(s) , 90000won - 90000won per night English Korean
C - 6
Welcome to Korea !!! My house is located Gangnam area. Clean&comfortable home - Korea / Seoul Sook-Hee Moon(Jessica) (Family)
3 room(s) Double Bed , 4-5 persons guest(s) , 50,000 Korean won - day per night English German Korean
C - 5
Welcome to beautiful island, Jeju in South Korea - Korea / Jeju Heungsook Kim (Family)
1 room(s) Single Bed , 1 person guest(s) , 10 USD - 30 USD per night English Japanese Korean
C - 4
exchange cultures and to share good-wills - Korea / Uejungbu, Kyunggido Seogbong Jang (Family)
1 room(s) Single Bed , 1 person guest(s) , 00 - 00 per night English Korean
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