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    Homestay In LA, USA   gohomestay Korea Sep/15/03
59 경남 창원에서 ...   EunKyoung Sep/09/03
   ê²½ë‚¨ 창원에서 ...   gohomestay Korea Sep/09/03
56 A good place to visit in Korea.   justin New Zealand Sep/04/03
    A good place to visit in Korea.   SunghoHan Sep/20/03
    A good place to visit in Korea.   gohomestay Korea Sep/05/03
53 temple stay around Deagu, Korea.   Mary M. Australia Sep/01/03
    temple stay around Deagu, Korea.   homestay Korea Sep/01/03
51 like to stay in homestay during World Martial ...   gang Korea Aug/28/03
   like to stay in homestay during World Martial ...   gohomestay Korea Aug/28/03
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