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NO : 233 Date : Oct/05/04 12:20
Name : gohomestay/ E-mail : <info@gohomestay.com>
Subject : Icheon New Rice Festival
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Icheon Rice Festival is a festival that has been transformed into a national tourist festival by using themes such as rice, the symbol of Icheon City and autumn rice harvest, the highlight of agrarian culture. During the festival, farmers working in the rice field and urbanites who leave city life behind for rest become united and hold a
feast celebrating good harvest. The festival features various madang(section)-an autumn harvest section where people sow and reap crops;
a rural open-air market section where farmers sell their harvested crops; straw culture section where visitors can experience rural farming culture; rice culture section which shows everything about rice; and field play section staging geobuk-nori (group performance featuring a turtle as a holy spirit from Icheon).

* Main Events
madangjil (rice threshing), straw craftwork-making, injeolmi (glutinous rice cake)-making, ricepounding, geobuk-nori (group performance featuring a turtle), ganggangsullae (traditional circle dance), samulnori (folk percussion quartet), umjip (dug-out mud hut)-making, countryside open-air market, kiteflying, straw shoes-making, folk contest, rice dish cooking contest

* Date: October 21 to 24, 2004
* Venue: Selbong Park, Gwango-dong, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi
* Inquiries: +82-31-1330 (Kor,Jpn,Eng,Chi)
* Website: http://www.ricefestival.or.kr(Korean)
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