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NO : 242 Date : Nov/11/04 11:26
Name : gohomestay/ E-mail : <info@gohomestay.com>
Subject : The 8th Seoul International Labor Film & Video Fes
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The 8th Seoul International Labor Film & Video Festival is held at the Seoul Art Cinema from November 16 through November 21. This year's festival aims to discuss strategies to change the world by screening films and videos from Korea and abroad portraying the struggles of the working class and their efforts to change the world. The slogan of this year's festival, 'Occupy, Resist, Produce! Another world is started', is partly taken from the slogan of workers in the closing film 'The Take', and has two meanings. First, the movement to change the world marks the beginning of a new world. Second, as seen in the opening and closing films of the festival, the world is actually changing. Under the festival's slogan which implies a pursuit for a new world, a total of 26 films from 10 countries will be screened.

For the opening film, 'Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War' was chosen. This film defines the worldwide resistance against globalization as the 4th World War, and depicts the Bolivarian Circle's attempt to change the society through the viewpoint of Venezuelans.
The closing film is 'The Take' by Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis. Amidst an economic crisis caused by the IMF's neoliberal policies, workers occupy a closed down factory and operate the plant. The film convincingly shows how the workers' struggles can change the society.
Besides the two films, the International films featured in the festival are divided into five sections: Revolution continues: 'Latin America, End of Privatization', 'Lives and struggle of workers around the world', 'Media, Weapons of mass deception or Weapons of movement for democracy', 'Media, Weapons of mass deception or Weapons of movement for democracy', and 'Retrospective of labor films'.

<< International programs >>

1, Revolution continues: Latin America
Venezuela Bolivariana: People and Struggle of the Fourth World War
Another world is possible in Venezuela
The Take
Open the road to the women fighters

2, End of Privatization
Bloodletting : Life death healthcare
The future of food

3, Lives and struggle of workers around the world
Iguazu effect
Ken and Rosa
Might is right
Mardi Gras : Made in China

4, Media, Weapons of mass deception or Weapons of movement for democracy
KPFA on the Air
WMD : Weapons of mass deception

5, Retrospective of working class films
Rendezvous At The Docks
Original title : Le Rendez Vous Des Quais

<< Domestic Programs >>

1, Recent Programs
Hyundai motor workers and three challenges
The job story
Caught in the Social Unsafety Net
The Overlooked
It goes on - The Undocumented is Documented
Factory of Despair - Hyundai Heavy Industries and Nonregular Workers
A Workers' Symphony No.9 : Chorus
Machines Don't Scream in Pain

2, Workers with cameras
Workers with cameras

3, Struggle of the people in Buan against the construction of a nuclear waste facility
Of Buan, For Buan, By Buan
Yellow Ribbon Round Our Camera

- Date : November 16, 2004 - November 21, 2004  
- Venue : Seoul Art Cinema
- Tickets : Free
- For more Info. : phone : +82-2-888-5123 / fax : +82-2-888-5121
- Website : http://www.lnp89.org/8th/english/main.php English available
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