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NO : 261 Date : Mar/11/05 19:42
Name : Gohomestay/- E-mail : <info@gohomestay.com>
Subject : The 7th Mt. Yeoninsan Wildflower Festival - Hiking
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The county of Gapyeong has a mountain with a special name ? Mt. Yeoninsan (“lovers’ mountain”). As much as for its name, the mountain is as beloved for its wildflower and royal azalea. Come April, the lovers’ mountain literally bursts into colors as lilies, cinquefoil, pansies and a vast expanse of royal azalea come into full bloom.
May adds another special feature to Mt. Yeoninsan, the Wildflower Festival. A flower party in the truest sense, the Festival also offers three major events: a prayer ritual for reunification and bumper crop, wildflower exhibition and traditional market. The exhibition is especially fitting to the spring mood. Held in Sanchon, a small town under the mountain, it displays around 100 species of the best-known wildflower in Korea.
But more than anything, to enjoy the mountain one must go up the mountain. There are 6 courses starting off from Baekdoon-ri, Mail-ri and Seungan-ri, each varying in length from 2 to 5 hours. The easiest way is through Baekdoon-ri (Jangsoo fall) and Somang ridgeline, a 2-hour course. Hiking is especially recommended to young lovers. Pulling and pushing each other up to the top, you will find greater trust and love for each other. The mountain peak covered in 0.72 hectare of flowers is an added bonus. If staying over in Sanchon, welcoming the sunrise should also be part of your itinerary.
There is a legend to the lovers’ mountain, a heartbreaking story of star-crossed lovers involving the 0.72 hectare of land at the top. A young farmer falls for a servant girl, but her master demands 100 bags of millet in exchange for her freedom. Although a staggering sum, the young man cultivates the crop on the expansive land at the top of a mountain. That land was exactly 0.72 hectare. Thanks to a bumper crop, the young man harvested more than 100 bags, but the scheming master ends up separating them. In the end, the two become one through death. After their departure, the land gives life only to royal azalea and lilies.
If your love remains unfulfilled, go up to the lovers’ mountain and make a wish. The lovers of the legend might be listening.

Detailed Information :

Schedule : May 2005  
Venue    : Mt. Yeoninsan, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi Province
Website  : http://www.gptour.go.kr
Inquiry  : Tourist Information +82-31-1330 (Korean/English/Japanese/Chinese)/ Dept. of Culture and Tourism +82-31-580-2067 (Korean)
Organizer/Host : Gapyeong county/ Festival organizing committee
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