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NO : 272 Date : Apr/20/05 15:11
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Subject : 2005 Jeonju International Film Festival
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Period : 2005-04-28 - 2005-05-06
Address :Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do


Festival Overview
Jeonju, home to many of Korea's finest traditional art forms, will host the annual Jeonju International Film Festival from April 28 to May 6.
This festival will feature 170 films from the 30 different countries under the slogan of Freedom, Independence, and Communication. Three main themes–Asian Independent films, Digital films, and Alternative films–make this film festival different. A variety of programs and films have been prepared such as Asian Independent Film Forum, which shows new versions throughout ten Asian films, Digital Spectrum, Focus on Jean-Claude Rousseau, and D.D.D: Danish Documentaries' Days, which brings the technology and the beauty of digital media into relief.
Jeonju Sonimaju, trying to harmonize the music and the movie, created a remarkable film, mixing music and voiceless movie. Also, a dramatic movie with animation, Youth Cinema Palace, invites you to a fantastic dreamland. The opening film, Digital Saminsamsaek 2005 is an omnibus movie(Magician(s) made by Song Il-gon , Worldly Desires  made by Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Haze made by Shinya Tsukamoto). The closing film Antarctic Journal was produced by Yim Phil-sung . During the festival each theater, ticket box, and Jeonju tour information center offers brochures including schedules, theaters, shuttle bus, and events in both Korean and English. Nearby theater volunteers help people in three different language–Japanese, English, Chinese.  

Related Articles
• Jeonju, a city rich with tradition and culture(2003-11-4)

Intercity Transportation

Local Transportation
Gimpo Airport- Gunsan Airport, a 50-minute flight, twice per day
Gunsan Airport- Jeonju, one-hour ride by shuttle bus
Railway: Seoul- Jeonju, three-and–a-half hours
Express Bus: Seoul-Jeonju, a three hours’ trip
Jeonju Express Bus Terminal- Jeonbuk National University Cultural Center, takes five minutes by taxi
Jeonju Station- Jeonbuk N. Univ Cultural Center, takes fifteen minutes by local bus #118, #119, and #119-1
Jeonju Express Bus Teminal and Jeonju Station- General Theaters, takes 10 minutes by taxi
Shuttle Bus: check the website after April 10
For more detailed transportation and other information on Jeonju, see the following link: http://tour.jeonju.go.kr (Korean/English/Japanese/Chinese)  

Detailed Info
Main Theater: Jeonbuk National University Cultural Center
General Theaters: Four screening areas- Cinecity Korea 1, Academy Art Hall 3, and Primus 2and 3
Digital Screening Theater: Konji Art Hall in Jeonbuk National University
Film and Digital Screening Theater: Deokjin Art Hall
Outdoors Screening: JIFF Madang at Cinema District
Tickets for some popular movies must be purchased at each theater

Hanok Living Experience Center (lodging at a private House): Tel. +82-63-297-6300
Hotel Rivera Jeonju: Tel. +82-63-232-7000, 166 rooms
Jeonju Tourist Hotel: Tel. +82-63-280-7700, 472rooms

Nearby Tourist Attractions:
Buljeongsa Temple, Donghak Revolution Memorial Hall, Gyeonhwon Palace Site, National Jeonju Museum, Pan Asia Paper Museum, Traditional Liquor Museum, Honbul Literature Park, Deokjin Park, Jeonju Zoo

Website:www.jiff.or.kr (Korean/English)

Tourist Information
Tour information: +82-63-1330 (Korean/Japanese/English/China)
Jeollabuk-do Tour: +82-63-288-0105
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