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번 호 : 321 등록일 : Sep/24/11 15:19
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제 목 : Korea in Motion Kicks Off
Korea’s representative performance tour festival, Korea in Motion (KOINMO), has officially launched. For one month, between September 17th and October 16th, a myriad of exciting nonverbal performances, ranging from well-known shows like Nanta, Jump, Legend of Flower 2 and Miso to new shows of diverse genres including traditional plays, operas, classical music and musicals, will be staged throughout Seoul.

Moreover, all shows under KOINMO will be available to the public at discounted rates. The festival is currently offering 10-50% discount on KOINMO Tickets for popular ongoing shows, and up to 70% discount on admission to shows held on designated KOINMO Days. Tickets can be purchased online at the official KOINMO homepage or the Sejong Belt homepage. Any unsold tickets for a show will go on sale at even lower prices in front of the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) Headquarters on the day of the show.

Meanwhile, KTO will be showcasing previews for KOINMO outside its building twice a day every day until October 16th, and also provide information on the festival schedule.

More info

Korea in Motion (KOINMO)
☞ Festival period & venue: September 17-October 16 / Seoul (performance stages)
☞ Tickets: KOINMO (Korean, English, Japanese) or Sejong Belt (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
☞ KOINMO Madang : Festival preview showcase
Weekdays: 12:00-12:30, 18:00-18:30
Weekends: 13:00-13:30, 18:00-18:30
Venue: T2 Plaza, Korea Tourism Organization Headquarters

☞ 1330 tt call center: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

Courtesy of Korea Tourism Organization
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