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211 World Press Photo Exhibition   gohomestay Korea Aug/30/04
210 Sajikdaeje Memorial Rite   gohomestay Korea Aug/27/04
209 Seokjeondaeje Memorial Rite   gohomestay Korea Aug/27/04
208 The Nonverbal Performance Festival   gohomestay Korea Aug/26/04
207 Chungju World Martial Arts Festival   gohomestay Korea Aug/25/04
206 Hangang River Citizen’s Park-Yeouido ...   gohomestay Korea Aug/23/04
205 The last night of summer beach party-Sep 3~5 ...   gohomestay Korea Aug/23/04
204 Experience 2004 Seosan Ginseng Festival   gohomestay Korea Aug/20/04
203 The 7th Seoul Fringe Festival   gohomestay Korea Aug/19/04
202 The 6th Hyoseok cultural festival   gohomestay Korea Aug/17/04
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